RM88.00 MYR

RM100.00 MYR

🟢[NATALIE]Premium Membership

Premium Member Benefit: 

1. 10% Rebate for every order
2. RM50 birthday voucher only valid for birthday month with min spending RM200
3. Earning points RM1 = 2 point
4. Check out with point [ 20point => RM1 ]
5.Premium Member can get multiple point x2
6. Premium member can get point accumulation in certain promotion packages.
7. Premium Member Day - Special Offer for Premium Member only



  1. Members cannot use Product Point, coupons and birthday coupons at the same transaction.
  2. Coupons are valid for 1 month, min spending RM150
  3. Every year you need to spend more than RM1000 to maintain the premium membership.
  4. The right for promotional activities is in the company, and will mention whether there are points accumulation.

Only left in stock

🟢[NATALIE]Premium Membership has a rating of 4.6 stars based on 5 reviews. 5 1

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